ATTENTION: For Anyone Looking To Earn A Real Income Online… That DOESN'T REQUIRE YOU TO BUILD A PRODUCT… And Can Be Done From Home Or Anywhere Else You Choose!
"Discover This Stupid Simple Method, Everyday People Are Using To Make $5,000 - $10,000 A Month By Running Instagram & Tik Tok Themepages With Less Than 2-3 Hours Of Work Every Single Day"

This Is One Of The Easiest Ways To Start & Grow A Consistent & Predictable Income Online In 2023 Without Having To Hire & Manage People, Or Buy Inventory And Work From Anywhere In The World

Step 1: Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON!

Step 2: Click button below and join Cash Cow Accelerator and get instant access to 40+ videos lessons in which you'll learn how you can grow multiple themepages on IG/Tik Tok and how you can make $10,000/mo with it. 

What Is An "Instagram Or Tik Tok Themepage" And Why Should You Care?

From The Desk of Arwin Popal…
Dubai, UAE
Building a following on Instagram & Tik Tok is by far the simplest and fastest ways to earn a life-changing income online and getting paid for doing meaningful work ...

❌ without having to go through the pain of starting and running business,
❌ without any overhead costs, and
❌ without having to hire and manage people.

By running a Instagram/Tik Tok Themepage ...
✅ you're not capped with how much money you can make, 
✅ you don't have to trade your time for money, and 
✅ you can generate consistent, predictable income from anywhere in the world.

The best part is that there are so many digital products that you can affiliate on your Themepages and monetize it 

96% Discount Expires In...


Normally $997… Yours today for just $6.95

(Save $990 by acting now) 

Download this virtual masterclass NOW for $997 just $6.95. Digital access delivered INSTANTLY.

Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

Starting An Instagram & Tik Tok Themepage Is A Cheat Code To The Easiest Online Income System Of 2023

Most Online Income Streams

  • ❌  Have to start your own business from scratch.
  • ​❌  Have to invest (and risk) your own money to get started.
  • ​❌  Have to spend hundreds of hours doing lead generation, meetings, and sales calls.
  • ❌  Have to deal with nagging clients.
  • ​❌  Have to trade your time for money.
  • ​❌  Have to sell something you don't actually believe it.

IG & Tik Tok Themepages

  • ✅ Get to make money without starting a business.
  • ✅ Get to create consistent, predictable income without any upfront cash.
  • ✅ Get to spend only a few hours per week to make a life-changing income.
  • ✅ Get to affiliate and promote products that you believe in and enjoy selling to your audience 
  • ✅ Get to spend as much or little time working as you want.
  • ✅ Get to do something you actually believe in.

GOOD NEWS: Pandemic Is Over
BAD NEWS: The Recession Is Here...

And The ONLY Way You "Beat It" & Thrive Instead Of Survive Is By Taking Charge Of Getting A New Way Of Creating Income Coming To You...

Who Else Wants To Get Their First,
10, 100 & Even 1,000 New Clients In 2023?

Even if you have no experience with tech, marketing, funnels, no big email list, no big social media following & and can be run “from home” or anywhere else in the world!

I'm sure you're wondering by now...

"Why haven't I ever heard of this?"

That's because it's a little-known secret that most themepage owners want to keep for themselves.

While everyone is out there trying to start advertising agencies, consulting businesses, marketing agencies, e-commerce companies, wholesaling, crypto, etc...

There is a small group of Themepage creators and affiliates that are earning a life-changing monthly income from promoting digital products with ease.

Of course they don't want you to know, they want you to fight with everyone else in all of these other "make money online" methods.

I personally have made over $1.6M in the past two years as a Affiliating for digital products 
I tried the other methods, I was lured in by promises of "big money" and "time freedom", only to realize that it was all a lie.

It wasn't that I just gave up either, I actually built multiple successful dropshipping stores, but the issue was I was just trading my time for money, I was right back to having a job.

That was until I realized that I needed to create an online business that was profitable and required less time to run, where I could charge businesses or affiliate for products and make more money

As I started running Instagram Themepages and building a following, I started having business owners/coaches reaching out to me asking me to affiliate for their products or run shoutout promotion on my pages - and I was making more than ever, while doing less work than before!

That's what you're going to learn in this masterclass.

How to get started on this path and skip all the mistakes I made along the way.

You'll learn how I created a life-changing income, beautifully improved my lifestyle, and entered new levels of financial, time and location freedom -- for just $6.95.

What You're Getting Access To: 

 Instagram Mastery

With Module #1 you get access to the exact systems and frameworks I have used in order to grow a portfolio of over 50 themepages and generate over $1,600,000 online. You get access to all the teachings on growing a following on Instagram and creating a branded Themepage which will generate you an online income. You will learn how to monetize the Themepage and automate the full process working less than 2 hour a day. 

Value: $2,997

 Tik Tok Viral Hack

In Module #2 you’ll learn EVERYTHING about running a successful and viral Tik Tok Themepage. You will learn the insider secrets and framework we use to start a Tik Tok Themepage and find viral content to re share. You will also learn how to edit the videos and publish it on your account. These strategies have helped us grow accounts to milions of views in a matter of weeks. 

Value: $2,997

 Shout-out Monetization Framework

In Module #3 we'll guide and show you step-by-step how to monetize your Instagram account and be able to generate income from Instagram shout-outs. You will get access to the outbound/inbound messaging frameworks we use in order to negotiate deals and close deals in the DMs. You will also get access to our outbound messaging framework to find clients for shout-out promotions. 

Value: $2,997


 6-Figure Automation Blueprint

In Module #4 we'll show you step-by-step how you can turn your Themepage into a self-running machine by outsourcing the tasks and setting systems in place in order to post content and curate content. With this systems you'll be able to spend less than 2 hours a day working on your Instagram & Tik Tok Themepage because you will be able to leverage other peoples time in order to create and find content for your Themepage. 

Value: $2,997

Affiliate Marketing Playbook

With Module #5 You will learn how you can leverage the power of Affiliate Marketing in order to earn a commission affiliating for digital/physical products. You will learn the strategies and frameworks we use in order to find products to sell, market and run them on your Themepage to bring in an extra $200-$300 a day in additional revenue. 

Value: $2,997

Total Value: $11,485

Normally $97 Now Just $6.95

Plus If You Join NOW, Here Is What You Also Get These BONUSES...

Affiliate Marketing Secrets

In Bonus #1 - Affiliate Marketing Secrets we'll show you step-by-step how you can making $10,000 a month by promoting other peoples link in your Instagram & Tik Tok bio. 

Value: $2,997

Networking Framework

With Bonus #2 - The Network Framework - Learn how you can network with high-level individuals and Themepages on IG & Tik Tok. Networking with the right people is how I was able to fast-track my success.

Value: $2,997

7-Figure Mindset

In Bonus #3 - 7-Figure Mindset Secrets - Learn How 7-Figure Entrepreneurs think and how they condition their minds for success in business and personal life

Value: $2,997

V.I.P Community Access

With Bonus #4 You'll Get Access To Our Private V.I.P Community chat where you will get access to weekly live Q&A calls, network with other students and the latest IG/Tik Tok strategies

Value: $2,997

$1.6M In Online Sales Blueprint

With Bonus #6 You'll Get Access To The Exact Strategy & Tools That I used to Generate $1,600,000 in lifetime sales by growing a following on IG & Tik Tok and promoting other peoples products

Value: $2,997

Honestly, I'm a little jealous...

If I had seen something like this when I was entering business school I might have saved $40,000 doing something I didn't really want to.

Only because I didn't know that there was any other ways to make money online

Or I would have saved an entire year of my life trying to run a "SMMA agency", only to work more hours than I would have as a accountant for even less pay.

No, you have it pretty good (sorry just being honest).

Are You Prepared For What's Coming?

A.I is taking over jobs like a never ending snowball creating an avalanche of unemployment...

The pandemic maybe over, but the recession is coming (it's here), it's your time to thrive and not just survive.

The harsh reality is some people will still be standing strong and thriving a year or two from now and many more won’t.

Which one will you be? What is the difference between the businesses that dominate in economic winter and those who merely survive? 

Here's The Harsh Reality That Faces 98% Of Business Owners (New & Experienced) Face....

Most online businesses like SMMA, Dropshipping, Forex, Aren't Designed & Built To Scale.

Most businesses do NOT get consistent traffic, leads or sales and are merely "profitable"

Because it's so hard to run a business and manage things like client results, products, refunds, shipment delays, clients leaving early, finance issues. 

These businesses become hard to not only scale, but to make money from

Can you relate?

Business owners work harder than ever to fight for scraps. 98% of online businesses do NOT get new clients/customers daily.

And this what makes Themepages so much superior as an option, compared to other business models...

So take it from me, I've tried them all so you don't have to, and the easiest to scale is Themepages..

Now is the time to take FULL responsibility and take action. 

Generate Consistent Online Income, Every Day...
Regardless Of Your Experience, Product, Price Point, Or Marketplace...

The solution lies in what I've pioneered as the Cash Cow Accelerator Methodology.

I've taught this to over 100+ people all over the world and now I want to teach it to you...

Join me inside the program to discover this for yourself so you can free yourself of the constant worries that business owners go through. 

You can literally go through the entire program in about 5-10 hours "On Demand".

Humble brag; the results speak for themselves.

$1,600,000 in online sales from affiliating for digital products, with over 50+ Themepages managed and run on Instagram & Tik Tok. 

Now it's your turn to start your first 6 figure Themepage business that requires less than 2 hours of work every single day. 

This Is ONE OF THE BEST Ways To Start Earning & Growing A Consistent & Predictable Income Online In 2022...

But until now...

I kept this a close-guarded secret.

Only showing it to my clients who pay me $5,000+ for access to this same information...
And to be honest...

When I first created the The Cash Cow Accelerator  I was going to sell it for $997.

Only because I had documented proof that people were watching it and almost immediately generating an additional income for just a few hours of work.
But then I thought to myself...

"This could be the only thing holding someone back from achieving all they've ever dreamed.

Doing something they loved, that made a difference, getting paid handsomely every month, all from the comfort of their laptop in just a few hours a week."

Especially in the crazy times we're living in right now.

And I am a man of abundance.

Unlike these other options out there (lead generation, SMMA, e-commerce, forex)...

This is not even close to being saturated and even if 1,000,000 people took this masterclass and started a Themepage on IG & Tik Tok immediately there still would be so much demand for more.

That's how big this demand is.

We are talking about platforms with over 2 Billion users. 

So I got with my team and we decided to do something unthinkable.
We're going to give you this masterclass (the same thing our clients have paid $5,000 for and made me $1,600,000+ from) for 96% off.

There Is One Thing You Should Know...

Before you go crazy and think you're going to wake up tomorrow as a millionaire I want to give you a warning...

There is no guarantee of success with this.

This is not get rich quick.


You may never see any kind of new income or achieve any of your dreams from this.

If you're looking for a magic pill that instantly solves all of your problems I can tell you this is not for you.

The sad truth is - most people won't see any measurable results from this masterclass simply because they won't take action.

But the reason behind that is not that this masterclass isn't worth it or can't get you started on making a life-changing income online.

The reason is because most people here will not click that blue button below and jump inside the program, and all for the cost of a large cup of coffee. 

And if that's not what you're ready to invest to change your life, then this may not be for you

But if it is, then get ready to experience growth and a life changing year inside the masterclass...

Running Instagram & Tik Tok Themepages Can Change Your Life Very Quickly...

How would your life change and how would you feel if you were 17 years old, still in high school and instead of playing video games every day make $12,000 in a single month... more than the monthly salary of both your parents.. that's exactly what Drystan was able to accomplish
How would your life change and how would you feel if you could quit your current job that doesn't bring you much joy and meaning? And make more money than a doctor in India... That's what Shayne was able to achieve... 
How would your life change and how would you feel if you earned 3X more than the previous job you worked in only a matter of one month after starting a Themepage? That's what Angelo was able to do...
Your life changes for the better... and it changes FAST!
Obviously it becomes very easy at that point to make a full-time income online, actually doing something other business owners need, want, value, and appreciate.

From anywhere in the world...

And all you have to do in order to learn exactly how you could potentially do the same thing is click that big blue button below.

Normally $997… Yours today for just $6.95

(Save $990 by acting now) 

Download this virtual masterclass NOW for $997 just $6.95. Digital access delivered INSTANTLY.

Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

Can't I Just "Youtube" How To Do This?

No. I mean you could certainly try, but there is nobody else that has the amount of expertise in this field than I do (that I'm giving away in this training) and if it were more well known I wouldn't even be here because it would already be more saturated.

No, there is nothing else like this online (paid or free) that shows a step-by-step roadmap to getting in on this "online gold rush" while the getting is still good.

I can offer that, all for $6.95. with a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. 

What Is The "We Don't Deserve Your Money" Guarantee About?

It's easy - if you don't absolutely love the "Cash Cow Accelerator" within the first 30 days, I'll give you all of your money back.

No questions asked.

That's how certain we are that you'll see a minimum of 100X in value for the small investment you made to get access to the masterclass.

Who Is This For?

This is for anyone who is tired of accepting things as they are just because "that's how they've always been."

People tired of commuting every day to a job they don't enjoy only to take home just enough money to not quit.

People tired of trying to run a business (but really being run by the business) and taking home an average hourly wage.

People who want to actually make a difference and have a real impact on the bottom line of their client's companies and be appreciated for their work.

People who want to work from anywhere in the world, fly first class, Uber Eats all their meals, and not even have to look at the price tags on what they buy.

People who want to remove their time from their money so they don't have to "sacrifice" years of their life to make money, only to spend money to try to get back years of their life.

People who understand that everything isn't a "scam" and that there are real, legitimate ways to make money online that doesn't require a shower afterwards.

People who want to have an unlimited earning potential, and want to seize control of their time, location, and financial freedom.

So Why Are Business Owners Willing To Pay Themepages So Much To Promote Their Products?

In short... because Themepages:

✅ solve business owners their biggest problems and bottlenecks in their operations, marketing, and sales,
✅ increase revenue and profits to business owners,
✅ help business owners grow their business much faster.

You see with this new era of "online businesses" there is a massive need in the marketplace that nobody is filling. A need for other forms of marketing, like Instagram & Tik Tok Shoutouts.

Coaches, Consultants, Agency Owners and even E-commerce businesses leverage big followings on social media to promote their products/service for a cheaper price...

And most of the time it comes to being a lot cheaper than FB Ads...

Therefore the power of building a following, is limitless... and the earning potential uncapped.

I've Been Able To Generate Over $10,000 A Month In Less Than 30 Day With This Exact System...

To be clear - I'm nobody special (and you don't have to be either).

I dropped out of college and the most "tech" experience I had was connecting my Instagram to my Facebook.

What I'm talking about here is incredibly simple to do.

I've seen all types of people from all walks of life see success with this.

18 year olds, 78 year olds, mom, dads, college students, business owners, freelancers, operations people, etc.

That's Why Building A "Themepage" Is The BEST Way Of Earning A Predictable, Stable & Growing Income Online In 2023

The question you're probably asking yourself is...

"How the heck do I learn how to do it?"

Well, if you were to come to me anytime before this month, you'd be out of luck.

You see, I only teach this to my $5,000 clients.

And they're happy to pay that because they can end up making a full-time income earning anywhere from $5,000 - $10,000+ per month. 
But, if I'm being honest, we weren't filling this desperate need fast enough.

And I had more and more business owners coming to me asking ...
"Arwin, can you please introduce me to some Themepages who can promote my digital products?"
I knew that most people couldn't afford $5,000 (even if it was proven to give a 10X return on investment) and I knew almost anyone could easily make a life-changing income doing this if they had the right roadmap...

So after some deep reflection I decided to do something insane.

Something so crazy that most people would think it's "too good to be true."

Something that could transform anyone's life if they got their hands on it and were willing to put in the work.

I Decided To Put Together The "Cash Cow Accelerator Masterclass"...

Over 120-minutes of life-transformational content.

This will take you from "What is a Themepage Business?"  to starting your new, exciting, online journey earning a life-transforming income.

For the price you're paying on this page this is highway robbery.

For less than two tickets to the movies you can learn...

The Simple & High-Demand Skill That Is Irresistible In A Growing, $17 Billion Dollar Industry That Can Pay More In One Month Than Most People Make In A Quarter

I've taken out all of the guesswork.

This is a roadmap to the freedom many have been searching for.

✅ Time Freedom.

✅ Financial Freedom.

✅ Location Freedom.

By the end of the masterclass you'll know your next steps without a shadow of a doubt.

I'm so certain of it that if you don't I'll happily refund you the entire $6.95 instantly.

Who else do you know that's willing to put it on the line like that?

Now my original plan was to sell this masterclass at $997.

I mean to drop the price from $5,000 to $997 was already a big enough discount.

But, I knew there would still be doubters.


People who said it was "too expensive."

So, to make this an absolutely irresistible offer.

To make it so you'd feel stupid for saying no.

I'm Giving Away The Cash Cow Accelerator For 96% OFF!

On this page, and this page only, you can get this transformational masterclass (and all the bonuses and guarantees) for just $6.95.

For less than $7 you could have the roadmap that has transformed the lives of over 100+ people.

For less than $7 you could have the framework to start a simple, predictable, scalable online income source that hasn't even been "tapped" by these other online gurus.

What Else Could $6.95 Get You?

How about this pack of crayons?

Although they look cool, I doubt they will give you much more than a great colouring book.

The Cash Cow Accelerator Program however could finally give you the blueprint you need to ...
✅ seize full control of your life,
✅ achieve all the freedom you've ever wanted
✅ be able to work wherever you want for as long as you want, and
✅ to make as much as you want ...

... all for less than the cost of a large coffee.


If you purchase the $6.95 "Cash Cow Accelerator" and all of it's bonuses today, on this page, and FOR WHATEVER REASON IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS you're not absolutely blown away by it's value...

I'll give you all your money back.

No questions asked.

All you have to do is reply to the email we personally send you as soon as you purchase the program and we'll process the refund immediately.

I don't care if it's been 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds, we will immediately refund you the entire $6.95.

That means that you have literally ZERO risk for investing in yourself today.

It would actually be riskier to go grab a large coffee and get a bad coffee (and not get your money back) than to invest in this once-in-a-lifetime offer.

When I was creating this training I honestly wanted you to feel "dumb" for not taking action on this page.

Because with the value we're providing, and these bonuses, all wrapped-up in an insane money-back-guarantee...

Some people might actually call you names if you don't take us up on it.

And take us up on it quick because although we're ready to risk it all for you...


I know that as soon as some of my current clients get wind that we're giving away this training at 1/100th of what they paid for, they might start asking a few questions.

And I'll be forced to take this down.

On top of that, there is no way we're going to make any money here.

For the amount of support and value you're getting, at this cost, I would be shocked if we even made back our advertising spend.

But if I'm honest with you...

That's the point.

I want to literally give you tens of thousands of dollars worth of value for $6.95 on purpose.

That's because there is going to be a small percentage of you who invest in this training that love it so much and see such a return on investment so quickly that you'll want to work closer with us.

You'll want to join one of our higher-level masterminds.

Of course, there is absolutely no obligation to do this and it wouldn't be the right fit for the majority of you anyway (we're very picky), but the option is there for those who want it.

And don't worry, this isn't going to just be some pitch-fest and you're not going to get thousands of calls from us, that's not how we work.

So although we really do want to help, we won't be able to run this offer for very long.

Nowhere else on the internet can you learn how to create a steady, scalable, and passive income stream with this little effort for this amount of money.

So you never have to ask for time off again.

So you never have to look at a price tag again.

So you never have to work somewhere you don't want to again.


If anytime in the first 30 days of purchasing the Cash Cow Accelerator Program you feel like it wasn't worth the $6.95 you invested to get it just email us and we will return your entire investment amount. We offer this because we're certain you'll be blown away by this training and if you're not I really don't believe that "we deserve your money."

The goal of this masterclass is not to make money but to really open your eyes to what is possible as someone once did for me (and I've done for thousands of others). Making as much as you want, working wherever you want, with whomever you want isn't just a fantasy, it can be a reality if you implement what we teach in this masterclass. So click the button below and put your information in to get access to this masterclass risk free!

You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers...

Copyright 2023 Arwin Popal Pty Ltd
Earnings Disclaimer: Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real. These results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results. You should assume that products, programs or personal recommendations made by Arwin Popal, may result in compensation paid to me by those I recommend. I recommend resources that I use myself, unless it specifically states that I do not use that resource. I do recommend many products and services to my clients which I do not use myself. If you would rather that I not be compensated for these recommendations, go to Google and search for the item and find a non-affiliate link to use. You should perform your own due diligence and use your own best judgment prior to making any investment decision pertaining to your business. By virtue of visiting this site or interacting with any portion of this site, you agree that you’re fully responsible for the investments you make and any outcomes that may result.